Thursday, August 21, 2008

More Skirts Pledged!

I was excited to return from my trip to an email from Sally (screen name, emerald_door - hope I spelled that right). She has pledged 10 skirts for The Hundred Skirt Project! And has a good chunk of them done already. :) Sally is a children's boutique designer. I look forward to seeing her contributions. Thanks, Sally! I will post photos of your skirts for all to enjoy when they arrive.

I'm off to update our Project stats (sidebar).



Anonymous said...

Hoping you are going to post your latest finds on your trip South.

Anticipating drool...


Anonymous said...


I'm really happy to be a part of this wonderful project! I hope all the girls will enjoy their new skirts. My contributions won't be anything fancy; I'm adhering to the guidelines you posted. Thanks for letting all of us participate!
