Sharks Teeth Tutorial

Step 1 - Create a series of blind tucks 3/4 inches wide. Each row should just meet the next row. How many tucks to do depends upon your design. For this skirt, I decided to do three rows.

Step 2 - Slash the tucks at intervals 1.5 inches apart, cutting up to, but not past the seamline. Alternate the slashes so that the cuts on one row meet the middle of the "tooth" on the next. It should resemble the way bricks are laid.

Step 3 - Turn the cut edges to the back of the "tooth" so that the raw edges meet in the middle, folding at a 45 degree angle. Press neatly. Repeat for all teeth.

Step 4 - To catch and hold the folds in place, restitch the horizontal tuck seam in a wide zigzag being sure to catch the raw edges underneath the tooth. I used a decorative tulip stitch on this skirt. It is headed to Guatemala as part of The Hundred Skirt Project. I was concerned that the shark teeth be durable to hold up to the more aggressive laundering they will receive at the orphanage (the girls sometimes do their own laundry using concrete washboards!).

Step 5 - Press teeth and assemble garment.
You can see an example of a child's dress with a Sharks Teeth bodice here.
Brilliant! I just learned something new thanks to you. Thank you for the fabulous tutorial.
This is nice, thanks for the tutorial. Just browsed a magazine I just bought and saw a picture with something from fall 2008 runway with this technique (at least very similar). Immediately thought of this tutorial, as I had seen it yesterday.
And now found it on the internet too.
Second row, third picture. You know what's fashion soon!
Oh, and there's a grey skirt too with this! about that! For once I'm abreast with the fashion trends. I'm looking forward to checking that out. Thanks for letting me know, Sigrid. I saw this technique first in the book Manipulating Fabric. I've been wanting to try it for several years and finally got around to it. It's a fabulous book. I'll have to do a review of it soon.
thanks ,learnt a new kind of tuck.briliant.thanks again.
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