These sweet fabric portfolios are easy and inexpensive to construct. This first example did take a bit more time than most of my quick and easy projects. I finished it today. It took about 2 hours total. I hope to get a little faster with the next two I am working on. I am making one from a cream jacquard and lace and another from black and pink toiles. I will update this post when I complete them. They are a nice way to present any flat gifts you are planning on giving your mother. Stick in the children's handmade cards and drawings, your own Mother's Day card, a gift card to her favorite boutique, perhaps a pretty hankie, some photos, tickets to an upcoming event, seed packets and you're set! Or use it as a way to showcase family heirlooms and memories. Perhaps include her mother's wedding photo, copies of marriage and birth certificates, hand written memoirs, and other memorabilia. Here are the necessary how-to's.
Step 1 - Cut 2 fabrics for the interior and exterior of the portfolio. They should be 12.5 by 18.5 inches. If you're using a thin fabric, you will need to interface them before construction. I used home decor fabrics and did not feel the need for interfacing. Cut a coordinating 5 x 18.5 inches for the interior pocket.

Step 2 - Finish the top edge of the pocket by turn down the raw edge 1/4 inch. Add a bit of lace, piping, rick-rack, etc if desired. You can add as many pockets as you desire!

Step 3 - Line up bottom edges of pockets to bottom edge of portfolio. Be sure the side are aligned as well. Pin and baste raw edges leaving pocket tops open.

Step 4 - Fold the raw side edges into the center of the portfolio. Mark the center of the portfolio with a pin. Mark the fold lines with a pin and then unfold. Use that as a guide to cut the top edge into three scallops. The middle curve will be longer than the two side curves. See photo. Scallop the inner and outer fabrics both the same.

Step 5 - Cut a piece of cardboard the same as the portfolio with scalloped top. Fold side edges to center and crease the vertical folds sharply. Cut on fold lines.

Step 6 - Place inner and outer portfolio right side together. Add piping, lace, trim, etc. to this seam if desired. Sew around the outside on all edges except bottom. Leave this open for turning. Turn and Press.

Step 7 - With washable marking pen or tailor's chalk, make a vertical line from the top's scallop points to the bottom of the portfolio. This is approximately four inches from the sides. Sew on this line turning raw edges at the bottom to the inside. This should result in sectioning the portfolio into two side pockets and one larger center pocket, each open at the bottom.

Step 8 - Slide in cardboard pieces, each into its corresponding pocket. Whipstitch bottom shut with invisibles stitches.

Step 9 - Fill the pockets with ephemera, cards, photos, gift card, seed packets, tickets, etc.

Step 10 - Tie a ribbon sash around the portfolio. You can glue this at the back center if desired or attach it with a few stitches. Tuck in a bit of millinery or glitz up with a vintage brooch if desired. Add a little gift tag.

Cool gift ideas! Wish someone also send me like that wonderful tutorial. Anyway, I've been looking for topics as interesting as this. Looking forward to your next post.
Wonderful! thank you so much for this tutorial that was absolutely a great one.
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