I have just finished the blocks and layout for the Nana's House quilt. I just need to assemble them into rows. Then the rows get sewn together, the borders put on and it will be ready to do the applique design. I haven't designed that yet, but have some gentler
Jane Sassaman-ish designs whirling around in my head. But I have to set this project aside for the day and get some house-cleaning and cookie-baking done. After that, I will be working on today's Mother's Day Gift Idea. So look for that post later this afternoon.
I'm open to name ideas for this quilt.

That quilt is very pretty, Charity!
I don't know why but it somehow reminds me of The Wizard of Oz.
I would name it "On The Road To Oz."
You are really an inspiration with all of the beautiful handmade things that you are donating to the orphanages.
You are really living up to your name, Charity!
It's easy to give from the comfort of my home doing something I already love doing. It's the ones who go, forsaking the comforts of home and country and do the actual work down in the trenches who are the unsung, unappreciated heroes working in obscurity for no glory other than what they'll receive on the "other side." :)
Thanks for the name suggestion. I'll have to think about an applique design that might also touch on the theme... Wasn't there a field of poppies somewhere in the story?
There was in the movie, at least I think so...that movie is scary! I've never watched it start to finish, the monkeys are too creepy.
This is going to be a beautiful quilt!
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