Monday, July 17, 2006

A Plethora of Pillowcases

When I set up my fabric pantry this year, I was adamant that I was not going to allow myself to outgrow that designated space. If the storage baskets were full, then there would be no buying until some of the existing fabrics were used up. While cleaning up my sewing area early this morning, I realized that I haven't exactly stuck to that commitment. Recently purchased fabrics had started to pile up on top of their allotted storage containers. So it was time to bust some stash! The quickest way to do that is to make 1 yard pillowcases. I selected about a half dozen flannels. Not only does their bulk take more than their share of space, but their softness and laundryability (that is a word, right?) makes them a logical choice for bed linens. I stacked them 3 prints high and rotary-whizzed away. Add in some coordinating fabric strips and three quick seams later, I had a plethora of pillowcases ready to go to auction. And more my new fabric goodies can move into their new homes.

Happy thread trails to you


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